Emily de Réan,
Your French BFF,

Bid farewell to losers forever...

the Online Dating Secret Files are now available!

Check out these testimonials from previous participants!

Do you relate to any of these?

Then, the Deliberate Dating Formula is for YOU!

You feel stuck in a cycle of patterns and repeating life circumstances that leave you discouraged and wondering if you’ll ever advance to the “next level”…

The Chic Glow Up will teach you exactly how to break free from your current average circumstances. In just 21 days, you’ll begin to permanently shift into a life that genuinely thrills you in all of its spheres: financial, dating and love, friendships and more!

You want to feel self-assured but are unsure how to polish and elevate your physical appearance & style, your mental outlook and likeability factor…

In this challenge, we’ll zero in on the reasons why your overall appearance and demeanor may lack the refinement you seek (hint: it’s not your fault!) and we’ll help you put in place an actionable system to create unshakeable self confidence so you demand (and get) only the best... 

Being in a relationship with an affluent man and being surrounded by high quality friends is a priority for you but you don’t know where to find them…

The Chic Glow Up will dramatically enhance the quality of your romantic relationship whether you are single or spoken for. Sarah and Emily will lift the veil on exactly how to snag the top notched men of this world…we also believe high value female frienships have a significant impact on your level up journey so expect the insider’s guide on this topic also! 


if You’re Ready To...


If online dating has got you anxious or stressed out and you're just about to throw in the towel, things are about to do a 180 for the better! You see, online dating should be fun, fresh and exhilarating! Emily de Rean's positive and fun personality, coupled with her top tiered knowledge will have you feeling like you can once again breathe and enjoy the journey once again!


Online dating can be intimidating and downright frustrating when you don't know how to present yourself in the most attractive way or do not know how to work the algorithm in your favor...Learn how to become confident online in as little as 3 hours of class and see results in as little as 24 hours!


In today’s society, the media would have us believe that only a certain type of woman can receive the attention and win the affections of a successful and quality man...when in reality, in the real world where normal people live, nothing could be further from the truth. This masterclass is for all women, of all ages and of all backgrounds!


 When you decide to elevate your concept of self, it will shine through in your online profile! With the simple but effective blueprint laid out in tis deep dive on online dating, the upgraded version of you will  notice how people in your life also upgrade their treatment of YOU or magically exit it...

I want to make this once in a lifetime offer as amazing as possible so when you get the Online Dating Secret Files Masterclass today, you’ll also get these incredible free bonuses!

BONUS #1: The SECRET to exuding the kind of confidence that draws in and hooks HQ men! My no fail step-by-step approach!

Emily de Réan’s most acclaimed self-empowerment video session ever recorded (60 minutes!)

BONUS #2: The Art of the Darling Online Dating Profile Creation

A remarkable eBook that’ll have quality online matches constantly reaching out to you!

BONUS #3: The Insider’s Files to Drama free Dating and Deeply Rewarding Relationships

20 little known rules that will revamp your romantic love and enhance its quality in ways you had never imagined! A riveting 90-minute masterclass taught by Emily de Réan

Here’s what you get when you invest in the Online Dating Secret Files Masterclass!

  • A transformative and riveting 3-hour Advisory Masterclass featuring a thorough and exhaustive Online Dating framework, complete with:
    Easy to apply online dating hacks
    Actionable steps to sourcing the right men
    Creating the ideal profile
    Reframing your concept of self and behavior in dating and relationship
    Ensuring safety protocol
    SO MUCH MORE! ($499 value)
  • ​BONUS #1: The SECRET to exuding the kind of confidence that draws in and hooks HQ men! My no fail step-by-step approach!  Emily de Réan’s most acclaimed self-empowerment video session ever recorded (60 minutes!) ($199 value)
  • BONUS #2: The Art of the Darling Online Dating Profile Creation.  A remarkable eBook that’ll have quality online matches constantly reaching out to you! ($27 value)
  • ​BONUS #3: The Insider’s Files to Drama free Dating and Deeply Rewarding Relationships: 20 little known rules that will revamp your romantic love and enhance its quality in ways you had never imagined! A riveting 90-minute masterclass taught by Emily de Réan.  20 little known rules that will revamp your romantic love and enhance its quality in ways you had never imagined! A riveting 90-minute masterclass taught by Emily de Réan ($199 value)
  • A love life where you’re in control, empowered and free of low quality men (Priceless)


Only $97

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